Sunday, July 15, 2012

Today I Have Earned My Balls...

Today is a Sunday, and I sit here working on this.  I think to myself  "How can I possibly put this out there?"
My gut and my heart both tell me its the right thing to do....but I can tell you that this is one of the hardest things I have done in a LONG time.
Some of you might have heard rumblings of what a "scumbag" I am, maybe some of you have GOOGLED me only to see all kinds of nastiness about me?

My life and my sons lives were torn to shreds 2.5 years ago by a few very vindictive mean individuals.
Lowlifes, if you will...

I am posting this to answer some/most of your questions. Some of you have been lucky enough to have been contacted by the "lurkers" on my FB page....more lowlife activity imposed on me by "them".

So, here goes:

  • In April 2010 I was falsely accused of being an animal abuser by an ex-friend
  • She then contacted a cop who had a personal vendetta against on for details
  • They  both worked hard to ruin my life, and the lives of my will see how
  • You will see what brought it on, and by whom it was started and why with details
  • You will see the outcome and where we are today

I have always been an animal lover and this was the ONLY way that this "woman" could get to me.
I have some real concerns about putting this out there, but I do believe honesty is best...
This is SO hard for me to do, and I cry my eyes out when I talk/write about it.
So, all I ask is for the benefit of the doubt and if you have any questions that are not answered for you
here, I ask that you ask ME directly.  I WILL give you a straight and honest answer.
There is SO much more that I did not tell here, so many things they said about me and my son...and even more that they actually did to us.  Its still not over....they still slam us online/on FB and MS, and now on Twitter as well.
I, along with my attorney(s), are working on "things".  The crimes (literal federal crimes) that SHE did to 
my son and I are FEDERAL and WILL be dealt with.  I have a lot of friends out there and they KNOW
me, and they stand with us....

Thank you in advance,
Tedi Spicer

Karma IS a bitch....

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