Saturday, July 21, 2012

A Letter Written For Me....

Let me begin by saying that Tedi, like many others of us in animal rescue, is an avid animal lover and she has a huge heart when it comes to animals that have been mistreated, neglected, or left to die in one of our countries horrible animal control facilities.

She has worked with me and others tirelessly to save many dogs that were in their last minutes of life awaiting either a gas chamber, a heartstick, or simply dying in a cage at a so-called shelter from human ignorance.

There have been bumps in the road along the way.  I have rescued for nearly 30 years now and its all too common that something goes wrong with the coordination of the effort.  Particularly when rescuing from a distance, its not uncommon to have the nearby boarding facilities filled up or perhaps the vet cannot take the animal in for spay/neuter until later in the week.  In these circumstances, its very hard to find someone local to the shelter to physically pull the dog out in time and perhaps foster the dog in their home until it all falls into place.

I have worked with some of the same places that Tedi has and I have experienced many difficulties because its not just a matter of making a phone call.  The animal must then be taken to a vet for spay or neuterm receive their shots, be placed in boarding or foster and then transported to the rescue arranged.  Sometimes the vet won;t work with you on payment or boarding won't, or the transporters want to charge money also.

This Cheri F. and her new friends Deborah VB, and Ronni Connelly from HART in TN have done nothing but fabricate lies and exagerate every effort that Tedi has made all because of a "personal" loan that Cheri offered Tedi a couple of years ago. (Also the fact that Cheri was not added as a board member on ARO, INC)  It was understood that the money was for "personal" reasons, not rescue.  When Cheri asked for the money back well in advance of the agreed upon time and Tedi couldn't burp up the money at a moments notice, this is when this horrible vendetta began.

Cheri has done nothing but make it her mission to discredit Tedi at every oportunity since then.  She has cyberbullied, harassed, provoked, slandered and libeled her, not to mention the stalking and even death threats she has inflicted on Tedi and her family.  Cheri will stop at nothing to get revenge.

Now, I know Tedi has made mistakes, but her mistakes have been nothing more than being guilty of having a big heart and having too many animals.  This is her ONLY crime.  Tedi has not retaliated but rather just continued to love and care for the animals while being imprisoned in her own home due to the harassment she's had to endure since Cheri and her followers began the tirade.

In closing, I know Tedi has committed no criminal acts.  She may have violated some ordinances by having too many animals at one time, but that isn't "criminal".  She loves each and every one of the animals and strives to find perfect homes for them.  To the best of my knowledge, that is not against the law.

I pray for both Tedi and the innocent animals that she saved from death that all the injustices that were inflicted on her (rather than she inflicted on others) are resolved and that criminal charges of slander, libel, and cyber bullying are brought against all these women who are truly guilty of crimes.  Tedi should be vindicated and her animals returned to her as well as her personal belongings.

I am under the impression that Ex Detective Charles May has it in for Tedi also.  I have never witnessed a detective taking heresay from an out of state gossiper and acting on it and corresponding through social networks like facebook or Myspace where the cyber-bullying originated.  I laugh at the detective (ex) asking on Facebook for information that might bolster Tedi's accusers.  They have absolutely nothing to offer, because these are false accusations made by one woman who has gathered followers by telling tall tales.


(FYI: I still have the actual letter in black and white)

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