Saturday, July 14, 2012

A Few Of Who We Lost....

This is a list of the dogs, our personal family pets & my rescues that they stole from us.

Murphy, my Sable Collie: He was my baby, my pride and joy.  We got him at 9 weeks old, he was 6 and a half years old when taken from us.  

Murphy got me through the death of SAM, my 4 year old Collie, we lost him to Lymphoma.
Murphy is a sweet, sweet boy who "talks"...he is absolutely darling and so sweet.

Max:  Max was my Tri Collie: He was 9 years old when taken, we got him when he was 4 years old when we rescued him.  He was a little skittish about certain things and people as he had been severely abused his first 4 years of life.  But such a sweetheart!  A really nice guy....we miss him.   I was in the process of learning how to professionally groom Collies when he was stolen from our home. 

Homer & Ozzy, they were brothers, Rottie and St Bernard mixes:  I got a call from an animal abuse
investigator that worked for the state of Illinois to see if I/we could help him with these 2 boys!  I had been told about them a couple months prior but had been told the situation had been worked out.
So when I was called in 2007  to help I was happy and ready to go!  We traveled 4 hours each way and paid pull and vetting fees of $400.00 approx for both boys.  We fell in love instantly as they were the most darling of dogs!  OMG!  I wish you could have seen them, they are amazing!  Homer smiles!  Literally....and Ozzy is quiet and laid back.  A perfect pair of companions for any home.  They love everybody and anybody. Taken away from the only HOME they had known.  They were babies at 8-9 months when we got them.



Brandi, my gorgeous Pit Bul:  She was 8 months when we pulled her from death row.
She was such a good girl.  I tried adopting her out, but no one passed my
And being a Pit Bull, you really do have to be more careful, just because of the freaks out there.  :) e was such a good girl.  I tried adopting her out, but no one passed my

And being a Pit Bull, you really do have to be more careful, just because of the freaks out there.  :)

Gizmo: Gizmo was my Dad's dog.  When he was dumped on our doorstep, he was a scared and mean little guy.  He is a Rat Terrier/Chi mix, maybe 2 years old, per my vet.
He warmed up after a few weeks.  It just took a lot of patience and loving, and of course, lots of treats! He was in love with my Dad though, more than anyone.  They became buddies right off the bat...he always "guarded" my father.
When my Dad realized they had taken him, he cried. 

Peaches: She was only a few months old when I pulled her to safety from Geenville AC in SC.
She was so scared, when she came into my house she cowered in a corner and would not come out. Thats how scared she was.  So I had to actually get down on the floor with her to try and make her less terrified.  She had no idea what was happening, or what would happen to her.  But she finally came over to me and out of the corner with a day or so.  She was seriously scared.  She was the dog who used to sleep on top of the couch with her paw on my head, like she was making sure I was still there.
My son got into a scuffle with a cop trying to save her form this moron who was chasing her and had her terrified, again.  All my work with her gone, but mostly, she was scared again.  This was BS.
Peaches is on the right in the photo below....I miss her so much. Look at that face.

Ripley:  Ahhhh Ripley!  lol  He was so sweet!  He was an American Eskimo mix that was underweight out of the shelter when he came home to me.  I eventually approved a family to adopt him, but he came back to us because their dog as attacking him and would not let him eat.  So when he came back, he was very aggressive and you could not go near him when he was eating or if there was food around.  We were working on that with him....but it was a huge problem.  He was still a sweetheart to us though!
He is in the photo above on the left with Peaches being on the right!  And also below....

Roxie and Sadie:  Roxie was mom to tiny little Sadie!  Just the cutest little babies, and so sweet!  We took her at the request of a hugh kill shelter down south.  She was scared but very sweey and never aggressive or mean in any way.  And little Sadie?  Look at that face, I think no words are needed....just a lovable sweet tiny baby that wanted love.
I can't find the words for this loss....

Roxie / 7 years old
and mother to Sadie (below)

Sadie / 3 months old

Cody:  Sweet Cody was part of a litter I rescued with their momma.
All the other puppies and momma got adopted, but for some reason Cody just could not find a homeof his he became a permanent fixture in our home, but we adored him!  He was such a sweetheart, very affectionate and kissy.  He was, and is, loved.

Keep in mind these pics were all taken within 2 weeks before they were taken.

Harley:  Harley was going to her forever home and family THAT VERY NIGHT.  But instead ended up in a cold animal control because of these "people".  How is that ok?
She also had 3 babies that were taken also....William, Conner and Tyson.  These 3 babies I hand fed as Harleys milk had dried up when they were just days old.  I called a rescure friend and asked what to use that would be best for them.  I bought the puppy formula that she suggested and hand fed them round the clock every 1.5 - 2 hours.  They were so cute, tiny and sweet.   All gone...

Booger:  One of my fav dogs on the planet!  He was a Bloodhound mix that had separation anxiety something awful.  I mean it was BAD, and he knew how to get out of crates and rooms too!  Nothing we did made that better, so I stayed home most of the time to soothe him and just to be there for them.  But, on the plus side I really enjoyed all of them...they were fun to hang out with.
 When they broke in my door, he got so scared that pee'd all over.

These are just some of who they took from us, and just more lives that were ruined by this circus.  All because of allegations made by a person I met on the internet who LIED.  She told BLATANT LIES about me, and my son.  Don't get me started on what they tried to say about my son.....

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