Sunday, July 15, 2012

All About Chyna....

Chyna was a 10 year old Pit Bull sitting in Greenville SC animal control waiting to be killed.
I was asked to take her, and I agreed with no hesitation whatsoever.....
I had a great relationship with Greenville AC and they just did not want to kill this girl. 

She was pulled by a foster that volunteered to care for her until my transport people could pick her up and
get her to me in Illinois.
When the foster got her, she was kept in a crate 90% of the time, as I was told.

~~~I hated that for her...the only reason I use crates is when a dog needs a little time to calm down ( a canine time out) or if its an aggressive dog and I need to leave the house for a while and cannot leave that particular dog out and around the other animals.~~~

Anyway, she came down with pneumonia 2 times while in my foster moms care, we almost lost her.
I finally got the ok from her vet in SC after an entire month that she could travel.
During that conversation we discussed her health.  Chyna was tested for heartworm and was positive.
She was an extremely low positive, she would not be in danger of death right away.
She told me (the vet) that when I got her not to treat her for HW for at least 4-5 months as she needed time
to recover from being so ill.  Heartworm treatment is hard on the dogs and if they are a low positive, as Chyna was, it can hold for a bit.  She would be fine, I was assured that by the vet.

So, I got her and brought her home only to find out she was dog aggressive....I was never told this.
Although I would still have taken her, I would just have made other accomodations for her!
She actually attacked 4 of my other dogs while she was with me.  I was told 2 different stories about Chyna.
One was that she was a stray and was picked up on the streets.  The other was that she was an abuse case.
THAT actually made more sense to me seeing the way she was acting.  Now don't get me wrong, she is a
really nice dog!  Just not in love with other animals, LOTS of animals are like that,  You just adjust.  Period.

She was so skinny from the shelter and being ill, but had started putting on a little bit of weight with me.  But until I could start the HW treatment, she was not going to put on as much weight as a dog without HW would.  Again, a fixable problem....

The 1st photo below is of her in the shelter down south.
The 2nd is the day she was taken from my home.
After that is the photo of her vet bill, its a 2 page (complete pages) document so I have only included the
header that showed she WAS vetted. 

I had started her on the slow kill HW treatment the 1st week of March via liquid Ivermectin.  This is a much
more tolerable treatment for any dog if a low positive.  Not to mention this is what the vet suggested I do
as far as treating her.  She was too ill and also 10 years old to handle the needle in the heart and being
confined to a crate for months kind of treatment. 

Chyna at the shelter before I had her pulled

Chyna the day she was stolen from us/4.16.10

A partial shot of Chyna;s vet records...
you know, the ones that my stalkers say don't exist.

After she was taken, the person that got her (a relation to the det asshole) started posting requests for money for her vetting and such.  Even though I told them ALL she HAD been vetted!
All that she needed was to finish her HW treatment and then be seen by my vet up in Illinois. He was already aware of her and ready to take care of her when finished with her treatments.

My final words in regards to Chyna are these: 
I just hope and pray that Chyna is well and has been thoroughly treated and recovered from her HW.  All I know from a posting I saw was that the girl who has her had raised HUNDREDS of dollars for her....its nice to see she is just really concerned about the dog...not the money!  Again, notice my sarcasm and disdain.

Again, thanks to those of you who KNOW me better and who have stood by me throughout this debacle,
Tedi  :)

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