Sunday, July 15, 2012

1999...The Year From Hell

Back in 1999 I had a room-mate by the name of Sandy.  She used to steal money from my purse, she had even taken my drivers license once as well.

Long story short, Sandy got me into a world of trouble....and I guess I am partially guilty as I trusted this person and thought she was my friend.  I take responsibility for that, but not for the criminal acts she committed~~~

She was writing checks to Hallmark stores, I'm talking anywhere from $100.00 - 900.00!
And she got away with it for a good period of time...until she took a check from someone that she made deliveries to via her job.  She rented a car from an agency using this other persons name and check in the amount of $250.00 with the intent to pay cash for the balance when turning the car in.

In the meantime, the other lady finds out about her check being she calls the police, rightfully so.
While looking into it, they get back to S. at her job and take her in for questioning.
So, as her friend, I suggest she get a lawyer.  I refer her to an old family friend who is a criminal attorney. So I take her to meet with him and she tells him everything.  She tells him that YES, indeed she did do it, and all the details surrounding the decision that made her do it.  Basically a greedy hoarder of "things".

The police also questioned me as well, so I figured I better talk to Frank too.
Frank says don't say anything, so I don't.

They then go to arrest S. on forgery, car theft and identity theft charges at her parents home. At this point she and I are no longer speaking as she has decided to blame it on
When they get to her home, her mother backs her up and says that yes indeed, it was Tedi Spicer, Tedi was the "mastermind". joke.

So I get arrested about 2 weeks later.  Nice, huh?  Here I was self supporting with a young child, just the 2 of us. And I go to jail.  My dear friend Brenda took my son in while I sat my a** in jail until my friends got my bail together.

Now however, I have to find another attorney as Frank has been to court for S. on other things she has been accused of.  Thats a conflict of interest.
So I hire an attorney named Dean.  Dean and I go through the process and tells me I should cut a deal with the prosecutors.  I really don't want to do that as this is the first time in my life I have ever been in trouble, other then suspended license issues.  (no DUI's ... all paper issues with insurance, etc.)  So I plead to 3 charges and get time served and probation.

About 2 months or so after I had already started probation, I get a big package in the mail.  My file.
In this file there are multiple documents from the County FORENSICS department that CLEAR me!  So after I call and ream this idiot lawyer I try to find someone that will take this on to clear me.  And they say that its clear I didn't do this crime, BUT its past the 30 days to appeal.  None of these guys had any balls, I swear. 

So, now in my life I look like a big criminal that does really awful things.  Thats just not the case....its not me at all. 

I never pursued anything with it as I had gotten a good job that I kept for many years and was happy there.  They knew my story and were ok, they knew that wasn't who I was.  So years pass....
Years later I get a better paying job working for Alan (see first entry in regards to Alan). I am also honest with him and he gets me through it, as I am having some issues with it in my personal life...

Below is one of the docs that would have cleared me.....I apologize for the bad quality, I can't locate the copy I have on my hard drive.  but you can see it clearly states I was NOT the person who wrote the check that all of this is based on.  Its clear....and its from the county's own FORENSICS department....that sh*t does not shows I was telling the truth all along....and I got screwed because a so-called "friend" decided to cover her own ass with mine.

Also, here are the images that were obtained also on my behalf.
The employees at the rental car place said I was NOT the 
person who wrote the check
They were showed what is called a "6 pack".
Which is photos of myself and 5 others....they were to try and identify 
the person who did this crime.
Yet I took it up the wazoo as I had a sucky lawyer
who did nothing to fight for me when he knew better.

I'm not saying I'm an angel, or that I have never done anything wrong in my life....I have!
Life so many of YOU reading this, wheter you admit it or not!  No one is perfect.  But I have never hurt a person, or an animal EVER!

Out of all of this I have become a better person....who would have thought?!?! 

Thank you to those of you who have taken the time to read my blog.....again, I'm not claiming to be perfect, just NOT who you see in black & white!
Its so weird, the things that I did do that were not the nicest, I never got in trouble for.
And the things I got in trouble for, I didn't do. 

One thing I will always remember when sitting in jail:
The head guy (can't remember what he is called - NO, not warden, thats prison) came into our area one afternoon after one of the other girls had caused some problems in court. I will never forget what he said to all of us:

"We here in this County DO NOT CARE if you are guilty or innocent, we WILL convict you!
We have a 99.8 % conviction rate and we do not lose! Period."

~~~He was right.  And how sad to ruin people's lives over conviction rates...not everyone who site in jail or prison is guilty.  You also should remember that the first person who speaks is the one usually believed.  Thats MY experience and lots & lots of people I know.~~~

I was appalled that they would even say something like this.  He took our hope away that
we could "fix" these problems we were all in there for.  He/they took away what little dignity we had left.

I could tell you stories that would curl your toes about this county.....but I won't waste your time, or mine.

Thank you all again,
Tedi Spicer

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