Saturday, July 21, 2012

One Of My Character References

I have been a good friend of the Spicer's for many years now.

I'm aware of the fact that their personal and rescue dogs have been taken from them by animal control and an overzealous officer.  This cop has taken the word of a girl on FaceBook who has no knowledge of the family and the dogs at all.  In fact, none of them live in the same state.

Why would anyone break down someones door because someone on the internet said that they were doing things they have NO PROOF of?  The accusations that have been made could not be farther from the truth.
I am someone who know the facts and the family as I am a longtime friend.

The Spicers love animals and would never do anything to hurt one.  They have devoted themselves to helping the animals that they can and trying to get help for the ones they cannot personally help.

I have spoken to them many times over the last week, not to mention going to their house, and I can see the devastation this has caused them.  I can also see how lonely they are without their pets.

They are deeply concerned as to the well-being of the animals at animal control, this is their focus now.  To get the dogs out and home.

In knowing them and this unfair situation, it would be a disservice to keep them apart and their pets apart.
Please return these animals to them and the only home they have ever known.

Thank you,

(FYI: I have the original hard copy in black & white)

A Letter Written For Me....

Let me begin by saying that Tedi, like many others of us in animal rescue, is an avid animal lover and she has a huge heart when it comes to animals that have been mistreated, neglected, or left to die in one of our countries horrible animal control facilities.

She has worked with me and others tirelessly to save many dogs that were in their last minutes of life awaiting either a gas chamber, a heartstick, or simply dying in a cage at a so-called shelter from human ignorance.

There have been bumps in the road along the way.  I have rescued for nearly 30 years now and its all too common that something goes wrong with the coordination of the effort.  Particularly when rescuing from a distance, its not uncommon to have the nearby boarding facilities filled up or perhaps the vet cannot take the animal in for spay/neuter until later in the week.  In these circumstances, its very hard to find someone local to the shelter to physically pull the dog out in time and perhaps foster the dog in their home until it all falls into place.

I have worked with some of the same places that Tedi has and I have experienced many difficulties because its not just a matter of making a phone call.  The animal must then be taken to a vet for spay or neuterm receive their shots, be placed in boarding or foster and then transported to the rescue arranged.  Sometimes the vet won;t work with you on payment or boarding won't, or the transporters want to charge money also.

This Cheri F. and her new friends Deborah VB, and Ronni Connelly from HART in TN have done nothing but fabricate lies and exagerate every effort that Tedi has made all because of a "personal" loan that Cheri offered Tedi a couple of years ago. (Also the fact that Cheri was not added as a board member on ARO, INC)  It was understood that the money was for "personal" reasons, not rescue.  When Cheri asked for the money back well in advance of the agreed upon time and Tedi couldn't burp up the money at a moments notice, this is when this horrible vendetta began.

Cheri has done nothing but make it her mission to discredit Tedi at every oportunity since then.  She has cyberbullied, harassed, provoked, slandered and libeled her, not to mention the stalking and even death threats she has inflicted on Tedi and her family.  Cheri will stop at nothing to get revenge.

Now, I know Tedi has made mistakes, but her mistakes have been nothing more than being guilty of having a big heart and having too many animals.  This is her ONLY crime.  Tedi has not retaliated but rather just continued to love and care for the animals while being imprisoned in her own home due to the harassment she's had to endure since Cheri and her followers began the tirade.

In closing, I know Tedi has committed no criminal acts.  She may have violated some ordinances by having too many animals at one time, but that isn't "criminal".  She loves each and every one of the animals and strives to find perfect homes for them.  To the best of my knowledge, that is not against the law.

I pray for both Tedi and the innocent animals that she saved from death that all the injustices that were inflicted on her (rather than she inflicted on others) are resolved and that criminal charges of slander, libel, and cyber bullying are brought against all these women who are truly guilty of crimes.  Tedi should be vindicated and her animals returned to her as well as her personal belongings.

I am under the impression that Ex Detective Charles May has it in for Tedi also.  I have never witnessed a detective taking heresay from an out of state gossiper and acting on it and corresponding through social networks like facebook or Myspace where the cyber-bullying originated.  I laugh at the detective (ex) asking on Facebook for information that might bolster Tedi's accusers.  They have absolutely nothing to offer, because these are false accusations made by one woman who has gathered followers by telling tall tales.


(FYI: I still have the actual letter in black and white)

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Today I Have Earned My Balls...

Today is a Sunday, and I sit here working on this.  I think to myself  "How can I possibly put this out there?"
My gut and my heart both tell me its the right thing to do....but I can tell you that this is one of the hardest things I have done in a LONG time.
Some of you might have heard rumblings of what a "scumbag" I am, maybe some of you have GOOGLED me only to see all kinds of nastiness about me?

My life and my sons lives were torn to shreds 2.5 years ago by a few very vindictive mean individuals.
Lowlifes, if you will...

I am posting this to answer some/most of your questions. Some of you have been lucky enough to have been contacted by the "lurkers" on my FB page....more lowlife activity imposed on me by "them".

So, here goes:

  • In April 2010 I was falsely accused of being an animal abuser by an ex-friend
  • She then contacted a cop who had a personal vendetta against on for details
  • They  both worked hard to ruin my life, and the lives of my will see how
  • You will see what brought it on, and by whom it was started and why with details
  • You will see the outcome and where we are today

I have always been an animal lover and this was the ONLY way that this "woman" could get to me.
I have some real concerns about putting this out there, but I do believe honesty is best...
This is SO hard for me to do, and I cry my eyes out when I talk/write about it.
So, all I ask is for the benefit of the doubt and if you have any questions that are not answered for you
here, I ask that you ask ME directly.  I WILL give you a straight and honest answer.
There is SO much more that I did not tell here, so many things they said about me and my son...and even more that they actually did to us.  Its still not over....they still slam us online/on FB and MS, and now on Twitter as well.
I, along with my attorney(s), are working on "things".  The crimes (literal federal crimes) that SHE did to 
my son and I are FEDERAL and WILL be dealt with.  I have a lot of friends out there and they KNOW
me, and they stand with us....

Thank you in advance,
Tedi Spicer

Karma IS a bitch....

Are You A Victim Too?

There is so much to update...I'm witnessing a number of new lies and more slander about me.
I wonder if they will ever tire of this or run out of things to say / lie about?  Its amazing....

  • These people make me wonder who the hell raised them?
  • What kind of families did they come from?
  • How is it that they think this is ok?  They obviously DO think its ok, I mean, they're doing it, right?
  • I'm not the only one, there are other good rescues out there that suffer because of them

People need to stand up to them more, including me, to stop them NOW!
They cannot continue to stop the rescue of animals because they do not like the RESCUERS!
This KILLS more dogs, it ruins lives....please help stop this now!

If YOU or someone you know has been victim to people, or an individual person, that has
wrongfully slammed you, or threatened you...PLEASE contact me!

Lets put a stop to these attrocities from happening to anyone again....if the person accused is
really guilty of animal abuse, I agree with prosecution, jail time, etc.  But you MUST have proof that they
are guilty of cannot ruin the lives of people who do not deserve the punishment.
And you cannot try and convict on the internet, there MUST be a legitimate investigation!
NOT the breaking in of doors because someone says so!


Thank you,
Tedi Spicer

May 2012

April 16, 2010

I'm taking a chance here putting this out there, but I'm doing so in hopes that I will not be judged any more than I have been in regards to this situation my family has been dealing with.  I'm only doing this because its MY turn to set the record straight as to things that you may have heard.
And if I sound bitter, its because I am bitter.  This was/is totally unfounded, and how dare the authorities ruin our lives because someone from Washington state says they should?
I apologize to my friends in advance....

Thank you,
Tedi Spicer 

April 2011

Click the link BELOW to see the dogs....

Lets go back to December 2008 first....

I had a friend (Cheri) who started a witchhunt against me over 2 personal issues.  We had been friendly, she wanted to be on my board as an executive director of my rescue (Animal Rescue Outreach, Inc)....I declined after mulling things over.  I watched her go after another rescue and the founder of that rescue.  
(I still have the proof of it on my other computers hard drive, etc)
I thought I'd be better off without the complications that she might bring to my rescue and my/our efforts.
I had done rescue, at that point, for 9 years and had never had any issues with anyone rescue name and MY name were gold.

Anyway, for a year and a half people kind of ignored her, they knew I was doing good, and they saw photos of the animals we were helping to save and rehome.  

Long story short, I was part of a rescue in January 2010 that someone else wanted to help with, so I let her step in even after being warned by others that she was a liar and a screw up.  She is from Miami, FL.
The dogs got rescued and went to foster (After many mishaps due to foster mom pulling out when dogs were en route to her). Of course DVB blamed it on me even though I have PROOF that it was because she screwed over the foster...not me.  Anyway, after Cheri heard that I was involved she contacted the girl from Miami and then it began.  

I need to back up just a little more....

In 2007 I worked for an idiot of a guy named Alan.  On Oct 2, 2007 he fired all employees.
As I had done for almost 2 years, I had done payroll that morning, and let him know that I would be giving out paychecks as were owed.  There were 5 of us.  He said fine to this.
Then 2 months later, we were all arrested on various charges.  Not just me, which has been rumored by little miss Cheri.  I was charged with forgery and computer tampering.  All the forgery charges were dropped along with everyone elses charges.  We had done nothing wrong to him, in fact, many times we had been witnesses to his going after others who had "left" him in the past.  
(He also has a criminal record of physical abuse on ex-employees, etc.)
The only charge that was not dropped was the computer tampering charge against me.  The "title" of the charge is very misleading as I never "tampered" with anyones computer....this was even proven by,
I was doing Alan's website for him, and when we learned about the warrants out for all of us, I promptly told him via email that he still owed me $2200.00 (for 2 years web work) and I wanted to be paid OR the site was coming down and I'd be cancelling the hosting account etc.  Thats exactly what I ended up doing.  I removed the site for non-payment and cancelled the account.  That account was in MY name, paid for with MY debit card, yet I was charged with a crime.  Yes, of course I took it down.  
I was put on 2 years probation.  I'm a big girl, and I took responsibility, even though it was ridiculous.  I should never have been charged in the first place as I still have the document that served as a legal contract.  He then claimed I forged that too.  Handwriting experts proved otherwise.  Ha.

Fast forward back to Cheri and 2010.  
The detective that handled the "Alan" charges against all of us was contacted by Cheri.  I had been upfront and honest with my friends about that situation, not knowing that it would be held against me later.  Cheri manages to get attention by telling people that I'm abusing animals, along with fighting pit bulls for money.  She even tells people that I TOLD her that, which is a BLATANT LIE, on my fathers soul, its a blatant LIE.  She and the ex-detective paired up.  Isn't that the sweetest?  They are on a first name basis.  
She even posts things for him about me and my family on FB, Myspace and all over the internet, on Craigslist in just about every major city out there.  I have proof in black and white of all that I am stating on here.
The ex-detective (now just an officer, he was demoted) talk on a regular basis.
Because of all the lies she has told about me being a supposed animal abuser, Cheri gets a few people to join her in "taking me down" as I am an abuser, she claims.  
She claims she has proof.  Which, by the way has never been seen or revealed, I can tell you all emphatically that there is NO proof.

I, along with my family, are annihilated on the net, especially on FB.  Even my 87 year old poor father.
We start getting death threats, people are sitting in front of our house taking pics of me, my dad and son.
People (keep in mind I have all of it in writing and images, this is called proof) were going to kill me, my Father, and my dogs as they would be better off dead than with me is what they said, and so much more.

Then it hits.....April 16th, 2010.  10:20 am.
My door is batter-rammed open by the police department and animal control.  They throw me down on the ground, kicking me, which left a hideous bruise that I have a photo of, and they cuff me.   My poor dog Booger has peed all over as he is scared to death, and thats what they throw me in.  Dog pee.
We watch them take every one of our rescue dogs and our personal dogs out to the Animal Control trucks in my driveway, including my poor fathers little dog Gizmo.  They were so scared, crying and whining all the way out to the truck and after.  They were looking for us....and we could do nothing.
All the while detective asshole stands there with a smug stupid looking smile on his stupid looking face.

Then these loser cops go into my dads room where he is sleeping and wake him with a gun in his face.
Are you freakin kidding me? He is 87 years old with health issues... and asleep.
They bring him downstairs to where I am still cuffed sitting on my living room table and I can see he is visibly upset and shaken.  Detective Asshole is trying to get my dad to talk and my dad just glares at him.   I then asked if someone could come and check my dads blood pressure as its high.  So they end up taking him to the hospital.  THEN, I go to the hospital where I find out that Det Asshole has told the doctors there that I am abusing my father.  My father is yelling that he (Detective Asshole) is a liar, etc.  Of course no one listens to him/us.  I mean, why would a cop LIE over us?  But he did, and because of this lie my father is dead now.  Literally.

The cops also took my camera and computer, and all my VET RECORDS for EVERY dog in my home.  
(NOTE: to this day the judge has never seen these.)

On April 20th, I had to go to the PD and get my tickets for having too many dogs, and no business license.
These are called ORDINANCE VIOLATIONS, NOT criminal charges as Cheri has been putting out there. I was given tickets.

At this point I already have an attorney that is going to help me and my son.  My son was charged as an afterthought.  He was thrown to the ground trying to protect Peaches, one of our rescue babies, from a rather mean cop trying to catch her.  He was taken to the station and charged 3 hrs later with having drug paraphenalia. Which kills me, he had an EMPTY pipe that had been used months before to smoke pot.  He had actually quit doing that as he is going to school for criminal justice, and I was always on his back about it.  This was all they could charge him with.  Looking for whatever they could....and it was EMPTY for goodness sake.

On April 21 (2010) there was a warrant issued for me, the day after I got the tickets.  It was a misdemeanor animal abuse charge. I went and turned myself in and paid the $100.00 bond.  You know they had to charge me with SOMETHING.  This Det Asshole just could not let me be, not after I (and 4 others) made him look like an idiot prior to this.  He had it in for me, plain and simple. A personal vendetta.  He had to charge me with something, right?

I start going to all my court dates like a good little girl.  The judge, nor the prosecutor have seen the vet records or pictures of my dogs, nor have they seen the dogs in person.  I still don't understand how a judge can move forward with a case when he hasn't seen ANYTHING that pertains to the charges against you.  Where is the presumption of INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY?
A couple of the dogs had sarcoptic mange, which one of my rescue dogs had brought into my house.  I was not familiar with it and how catchy it was.  I had even gotten sick from it as well.  Got a nice case of scabies.
They were being treated with lime dips, antibiotics for prevention of any infection and topical creams, which did clear it up.  (Sarcoptic mange is a mite infestation, similiar to fleas.  It has nothing to do with abuse or neglect. Lots of rescues &  shelters experience this.)  They were just about good as new when taken from us.

Cheri and her cohorts also made claims that all the dogs were crammed and stuffed into crates and cages filled with poop and dog pee.....the TRUTH is, only ONE dog (my Rottie, Lady) was in a crate as she was being aggressive and I put her in to calm her down again.  Kind of like a time out for a child.  Even Detective Asshole states this on the police report.  HE even makes Cheri look like a liar about that.

Anyway, the court dates went on for months.  A few (3) of my haters showed up at every one.  I still have no idea who these faces of cheerfulness are/were.  No idea whatsoever. Then 2 of these lovlies started posting about me on FB on a regular basis.  They would post the status of the court date, and along with that they would post how Steven and I would call them names in the courtroom, and other hateful things.  Never happened.  Had I/we done or said those things in a courtroom I promise you we would have gotten in trouble from someone.  The only thing I ever did was thank them for making me the center of their universe.  And I still mean that, as I'm now sure thay have no lives.  That goes for Cheri too, I AM her life, she has made me her obsession and all that goes with it.  She has me, the internet,  and Det Asshole too.

I also love how these 3 "human beings" (I use that term loosely) posted once how they went "across the street to the restaurant from the Glendale Hts courthouse, spoke with all the cops about Tedi, blah blah blah."....let me clarify one thing for everyone.  Across the street from the GH courthouse are HOMES.  Its ALL residential.
There is no restaurant for miles in all 4 directions.  They probably didn't think I would see that post! 
Also stated about me and Steven was that during one court date in DuPage / Wheaton that we harrassed THEM so bad that an officer had to escort them out to their cars.  I laughed at this...why? 
Let me tell you why, there are always cops and a bailiff in every court room in this building.  Always.  Had my son or myself spoken to them like that, in any sort of harrassing way, I can assure you WE would have been in trouble and possibly arrested.  So again, this is another figment of their imaginations.

Its really hard to stand up in front of an entire courtroom while these legal people are saying these awful things about you, and you can't defend yourself as the judge tells you to "keep quiet maam".  I think we should all be allowed to defend ourselves, whether it be at trial or not.  Why not get right to the meat of it and make sure that a trial is the rightthing to do, why waste the taxpayers money for nothing, not to mention the ruining of lives?  The legal system does NOT always work!

At one point Steven and I met with the Chief of Police.  It went well.  When he saw the pics of my dogs his expression totally changed.  I asked him if they looked abused, or starved or neglected to him.  He stated he could not answer that after uttering an expletive.  He KNEW Det. Asshole had screwed up.  It was written all over his face.

Soon after that, my attorney was told that all charges were to be dropped.  Coincidence? I don't think so....
THEN, Cheri and the other FB idiots got wind of it.  They ended up bombarding the prosecutors office with calls and letters.  The pressure was just too much.  They never dropped the charges.  

Fast forward to January 18th, 2011...

On Jan 18th, 2011 in court I was informed that I either plead guilty THAT DAY or go to JAIL that day, indefinitely.  I had no choice but to plead it out right then and there.  I was given probation again, and re-sentenced on the probation for the computer tampering.  So I have another 2 years of probation and these idiots up my ass telling me how to live my life.  They get to tell me where to live, work and go to the bathroom, pretty much.  Its ridiculous.  Power trips, thats what it is.  And politics.
MY civil rights were violated in a big way here....why was I not allowed to go to trial? 
That was what we were doing that day, setting a trial date for this.....and yet I was not allowed to?  WHY?

So  in March 2011 I went back to the GH courthouse to file a motion to appear in front of the judge.  I want to request my vet records etc. back.  I leave court that day after getting an April 1 court date to do just that, and I get a voice mail from THAT prosecutor
(Casale) that they will be destroying my documents THAT VERY DAY.  WHY THE RUSH to destroy them Because they know that what is in those files will clear me.  These docs show the animals were healthy and HAD been seen by the veterinarian(s)....just for one thing, and another thing is it also has my adopters names and info as well.  These were people that could have vouched FOR me...but I actually found some of their info, and its not like I don't remember where they live.  I did home checks and brought the dogs TO them.  I remember....this I will NOT forget.

And you know what?  I actually have some duplicates that I've located for about 7 of the dogs. I am still working on this to clear my name and to prove that the warrant was not a legal warrant.  That was what allowed them to break down my door on 4.16.10.  NOT a legal warrant.  No probable cause.  
(I have been assured of this by other cops I know, by a legal official and by other attorneys as well.)
Only the word of some FB idiots and Cheri.   That is just ridiculous, and a personal vendetta by a cop.
I so badly wanted Cheri to come to one of my court dates, but she would not show her face.
I was ready to see her and be arrested for a REAL crime.  Assault & battery.  I would have enjoyed nothing more.   But Cheri chooses to stay safe behind her monitor.  For now.

The one dog that I'm sure the actual charge is for is Chyna.  She was a 10 yr old pit bull that was about to be gassed down in SC.  I was asked to take, I had her pulled and fostered.  While in foster she become deathly ill twice, with pneumonia.  We almost lost her.  I finally get the ok from her vet in SC that she could travel. Steven, my dad and I were really excited to meet her.
When we do meet her, she can barely stand up as she is so skinny and emaciated that Steven had to carry her.  She came to me in that condition.  We brought her home and put her in my finished basement with food, blankets and toys so she would feel comfortable and warm.   She could always see us as I had a baby gate I put at the top of the stairs.
I spoke to her vet at length before she even came to me as she was (very early) heartworm positive.
Being as sick as she was, and had been, the doc says to not treat her for 4-5 months as she will not be able to handle the treatment.  There are 2 kinds of hw treatment.  Arsenic injected directly into the heart and Ivermectin orally once or twice per month.  The oral method is a much gentler method and the doc and I decided thats how I would treat her, when she was ready 4-5 months later.  
I did start her treatments orally the first week of March, 2010.
In fact, her 3rd treatment would have been on April 19th.    

My son and I both went over to animal control where they had all my dogs on April 19th with her meds so that they could see she was being treated.  They took pics of the meds & then stopped treating her.  They put her in isolation instead.  They then give her to someone who continually slanders me on the net.  A relative of Det Asshole, same last name, etc.  Coincidence?  I wonder.  This was a rescue who had horses dying on her mysteriously a few years earlier.  
I remember her pleas for money and help.  No, cant prove it, but I KNOW it and remember it clearly.  Many people were watching her after that.   Also, this person has asked for HUNDREDS of dollars for TRAINING for Chyna....blaming the fact that she was dog aggressive on me.
I got a newsflash for her....Chyna attacked 4 of my dogs, 2 of which I had to take to be treated at the vet on an emergency basis.
And is just so happens that we have found a copy of Chyna's vet records.  We can prove she was vetted....(Also see thread ALL ABOUT CHYNA)

Lots of rescue dogs come to you in bad shape, whether it be physical health, or emotional health.  They need care, and lots of it. These are precious babies who have had it rough & never deserved it.
I'm now unable to help as the law says I cannot for 2 years.  So instead I see dogs I might have saved die because of this evil lying woman Cheri (and her moronic FB followers) and her lies about me and my family.

I still help the dogs though, I get them reprieves at the shelters so that they have a chance at life...whether it be one day or a week reprieve.  It helps.
I send money for pull fees to the shelters....
I have a FB page that I continually post them on...
Almost 3000 people 3 times per day see the dogs I post and network.

Did they seriously think that taking my dogs (our personal pets and our rescue babies) by force would be GOOD for them?
That by taking them away from the only people who have ever shown them love and affection would be good for them?  We were the only people that ever loved and cared for them. How the hell can that be good for any animal?  When they are taken out screaming and crying?  These poor animals did not deserve this...and I will get justice, for all of us.
There was NO investigation done, NO knock on my door to see if what was said was true.  I have spoken with over 20 Animal control facilites in the state of Illinois, and other states, just to see what the procedures are when a complaint is made against someone.  And I can tell you this is not the way its done.
There also has to be proof for them to knock down a door and seize animals.  There was NO PROOF.  No witnesses, no videos, no photos....nothing against me/us.  Only CHERI's word, and the word of her followers, who were stupid enough to believe her, again, WITHOUT PROOF.  Also, keep in mind that Cheri lives in Washington state.  How the hell would she know anything about me, or my dogs?  Not to mention the others (her followers) ALL lived out of state, except the 3 who came to court regularly who, again, do NOT know me.  How the HELL would any of them KNOW this IF I was an abuser?  
Which I am NOT, in any way, shape or form.
FYI:  the same people ( a number of them anyway) are right now as I type putting another rescue out of business, so to speak.  

I would go further and list more of the lies she has told, along with her online aliases, but there is only so much time and space.  Not to mention, most of them are somewhat disgusting and vile.  She has even targeted my attorney.

I had a very serious illness in 2005 and in 2008 when it showed its ugly face again.
I told 2 people, one being thing I know is that people are accusing me of lying and saying it wan't even true.  I can tell you it was, unfortunately, very true.
I also had a stroke on Jan 25, 2010, which was a Monday.  I was taken to the hospital by my son and my brother.  They rushed me into the ER and hooked me up to an EKG machine....also an MRI...some xrays and a CT Scan.
Long story short, I had had a stroke while sleeping.  They also found a hole in my heart and a part of my brain that doesn't get oxygen as it supposed to.  These 2 things were contributors to the stroke, per the doctors.
On Wed Jan 27 nothing was really happening so I asked to go home.  Which I was allowed to do if I would go for outpatient therapy, etc,  I agreed, so I could go home.  I still have the heart and brain issues, along with my left hand being left with no feeling in 2 fingers and down side of hand.
On Thursday night, once I was home, I was bored so I sat at my desk and went online.  Because of this THESE lovlies started posting ignorant comments that I had "faked" that too.....anyone can check.  I was admitted into Central DuPage hospital on Monday, Jan 25, 2010 and released on Thursday Jan 28th.  I also have ALL medical records / papers, etc.  So when I am able to post all this, I will dance a jog of glee as they will be seen as the LIARS they are!  I can hardly wait.

My son got a message via his FB page in September 2010....the image is hard to read, but it states:  "Hi, you don't know me but I want you to know that DVB has been called out about blaming your mom and everyone knows the truth.  I hope your mom sues the shit out of her."  NOTE: DVB is Cheri's "partner" in all this.  Just another so called rescuer who screwed up a rescue I was doing and then she decided to blame me.  (See image below)

DVB also tried to tell people that she was NEVER involved in that rescue....please see the image below...its a screen capture of the Chip-In SHE set up with both our names on it.
This is just one of the hundreds (literally) of lies they/she has told about me.
Another thought ~~~If I was so bad, why did she come to me to rescue these 5 (NOT 7) dogs from Floyd?

My Father, or Papa as we call him.....  
He was taken away from us and put in a nursing home because of Det Assholes lies.  He begged to come home.  He also begged to see the judge, yet no one would physically take him to court. I could not do it, per the court docs.  
He was neglected and they wanted to shut him off and let him die when he became ill in THEIR care due to neglect.  He was never ill when we took care of him.  Yearly tune up in a facility of our choice for medicine adjustment, etc.  The first week of every month he went to his personal doctor of 26 years just to touch base and make sure all was well.  If there was an issue or problem, we did what was appropriate per the doctor.
We cared for him 24/7.

There are SO very many things I could elaborate on when it comes to my Dad, but I will stick with the basics.

He ended up on dialysis and in a place in IL close to me.  Steven and I went 3-4 times every week without fail to spend time with him.  We fought and fought to bring him home.  In the summer of 2010 he was hospitalized and the hospital petitioned the state to let him die by discontinuing all of his treatments at that time.  He would have died.  Per my fathers request (and our wishes) we fought to keep him alive.  My father begged us to not let them kill him.  We won.  
Then on Dec 14th we went and saw him, we told him we would be back on the 16th two days later.  We told him how much we loved him, like we always did....
We were there the morning of the 16th, which is when we were told he had "just expired".  No one called me to tell he had been admitted to the hospital on the 15th.  He died alone, probably looking for us and wondering why we were not there with we always were.   He died of pneumonia, no one paid attention to him.  They stuck him in a room alone, and left him.
We saw it day after day. He died malnourished and dehydrated as well.
When I would enter the hospitals or the nursing homes, the nurses would scatter when they spotted me.
Not because I was mean or a bitch (which they would have deserved), but because I always caught things that were wrong and things that were being neglected for my dad....and I being me, always spoke up and made sure they did the job
they getting paid to do for my dad.
This poor man suffered because of LIES told about ME.  How is that OK?

He was going to be coming home with us again in Jan (2011), per the state guardian as they saw no reason to NOT let him be with us.  DUH.  You think?  Maybe his begging them to let him come back to us finally made a difference...did they finally hear him?  
But it was too late.  For all of us.  

I will continue to fight for my Dad, he deserves nothing less....and I know he would do it for me.

Ted Spicer
Died because of anothers LIE

I blame Cheri and Detective Asshole for this.  If not for his/their LIES, he would not have been taken from our home in the first place.  The fact that Det Asshole made that trip to the hospital on April 16th 2010 is what kept my father away from us.
That lie is what helped kill my father. That and the neglect he went through at the hospital and the nursing home.  We are in the process of filing wrongful death suits, etc. 
Again, Det Asshole had to do something to get at me.  He just could not stand the fact that I had proven myself innocent of the 10 charges he had against me in 2007.  He had it in for me.  I (we all)  must have made him look like such a dufus, which he is, so it wasn't hard to do.  First of all, he is a det/cop that never does a proper investigation.  There are others that have complained about him to the PD also.  I'm not the only one.

Det Asshole stated in the police report that there was no dog food in my house, yet there was 2 unopened fifty pound bags of Pedigree in the basement, not to mention the bag that was still not empty in the kitchen.  Cheri, and her followers on FB, have made claims that are not even close to what is on the police report.  One day I will post it so all can see what a liar Cheri is, along with the other nutjobs.
These are bitter, evil people that are just so brave on the computer behind the monitor.  

We are looking for justice....for me, my son, my dogs and mostly for my Dad, who is forever lost because of this atrocity.  He can't be fixed, I can.....and I will.

I will always feel guilt for this.  If I had not had the dogs, this would not have happened.  But my father always encouraged me to do what was in my heart, to help where and who I could.  He absolutely loved these dogs.  He was really happy around them!

I am not an evil person.  I am a person who has made mistakes in my life, some dumb, I admit.  But I would never harm an animal.  Ask anyone who knows me.  Ask anyone who ever came to my home and got to interact with the animals, whether it be to donate for the dogs (food is what I always requested when people asked what I needed most), or friends who visited on a regular basis.
Thats another lie they told, that I/we would never let people come to my home.  Not true, there were always people in and out.  My brother even lived with us for a year and a half and his friends were there also.
In fact I housed one of his friends for a bit, this is just another stupid LIE told about me.

I miss my fur-babies every day.  I miss their sweet faces, I miss them snuggling on the couch with me, and sleeping on me at bedtime.  I had dogs on my feet, my head and on my stomach.  Peaches even slept on the top of the couch with her paw always hanging down and touching me, like she was just making sure I was still there. Our personal dogs that were ours since they were tiny babies.  There were also dogs who we pulled from death, took care of, bonded with and loved with a special reward of that love being returned to us from them.

I will NOT let this go.  I will take this as high as I need to for vindication and to clear my name.  I can't tell you how much I have as far as paperwork and proof etc  against Cheri and some of the others.  I am about to use it all now.  Its my time to speak up and be heard.  This is, however, a process and will NOT happen overnight, unfortunately.

I am not a patient person, and this legal stuff moves slow.  I will get to them all, legally of course.  I will out them for the hens they are sitting in front of the monitors they are safe behind causing chaos in others lives.
They will tell you that what I say I/we are doing is a pack of lies and that I'm blowing smoke up your butts.  Not true.  I've just kept a lid on it. Until now. But I promise, its not over.  Not by a long shot.    There were a few of the HENS that used to ask me "why aren't you defending yourself?"  WHY?  Because when I did, my words were twisted and used against me....and of course, posted all over the internet.

I lost my house as well because DET ASSHOLE called the mortgage company we were dealing with and spewed all kinds of BS to them as well....

Cheri (and a few others) have accused me of lying about health issues I have/had, issues that I can back up with doctor/hospital records. Basically, Cheri says, that everything that comes out of my mouth is a lie.    If I was such a bad person, then why did she want to be part of my rescue?  I have that in black and white also stored on a disc.
We have been living a nightmare none of you can even imagine.   So much more has happened to us than what I have put here, but I wont bore you with all of it.  We are strong.  I dont think Cheri counted on that.  Keep in mind that these are "women" who have never met me, been to my home, or met my dogs, etc....
How could they possible know what my life is/was like in regards to MY dogs?  Especially since they (except for maybe 3 of them) all live out of the state of Illinois, or better yet, out of the country....
Had they expressed interest in coming over to meet me and the dogs, I would have been fine with that.   But they never did. 

As I write I am weeping....for all of us.  How could this happen?  Because someone doesn't like me.  Get over yourself Cheri.

One of our next moves is to prove that Cheri and her cohorts have hacked, and cleaned out, my email.
We have PROOF it was her, not to mention she left her signature IN my email account.
She was also writing electronic checks on my deceased fathers bank account, getting the account info out of my email files, right before we closed it.  I have all I need from the bank, thank goodness they were gracious enough to help us. I have emails from her still that show what a nutcase she really is.  You can't fight whats in black and white.

In the image below, you can clearly see Cheri's email address as a FORWARDING address in MY personal email account....I can tell you I didn't put it there.  About a month later, I, along with all my email contacts, got an email from TEDISPICERR@YAHOO.COM. My name is spelled wrong, 2 R's in Spicer. In this email its "me" asking for money to be sent to me as I was overseas and I lost my purse/wallet. They/she had duplicated all the files I had in my gmail account.  To a "T".... and I lost everything I had in there since I had started this account in 1996.
I have it printed out, but not on my hard drive yet. That will happen eventually....

And then there is Jason and Angela, they were 2 of my "stalkers" and found out where we were living when we what they did was they moved in NEXT to us.  Needless to say, we moved as soon as we were able as they made us nuts....they called the cops on us for things that never happened, or for things they CLAIMED we had done or were doing....they would taunt our friends and family when we had them visit.

They have posted their lies and slander about me/us in different cities across the US on Craigslist, in free newspapers, Twitter, MySpace, Facebook (and we all know how reliable FB is!)...they have started FB pages against me, blogs and more.  They have truly covered THEIR bases.  How do I know this?  I have copies of all of it, they forgot that I still have friends and supporters out there.   
And now I will cover my bases.  

This is not over.  Those that have inflicted this on me and my family don't know ME very well.  I will prove myself, thats a promise.  

I see they are on to their next victims, they are shamefully public about it.  I feel sorry for the other lives they will ruin.  Some will deserve it, some will not.  But you MUST have proof to make these accusations against people.

Please click on link at the top of page to see photos of the dogs that I was accused of neglecting and abusing.  See for yourself.....they are/were all happy healthy, loving animals.  You can see that in the photos.  The pics were taken all within 2 weeks before they were "stolen" from my home.

There is so much more to this story/situation, but due to legal restrictions via attorneys, etc I am unable to reveal all at this time.  But I think you get the gist of what has transpired here.   

Please keep an open mind......I do ask, always, for the benefit of the doubt.

As God as my witness, I never starved, abused or neglected any animal at any time in my life.   
I will NOT be silenced....and I will fight this all the way.  

To my Father....we miss you so much Dad.  I promise to make them accountable for all of this.

We love and miss you so much,
Tedi, Steven...and the doggies